
We offer a wide variety of programs for patrons of all ages through out the year. From book clubs, storytimes, outdoor painting, building fairy gardens, playing angry birds to tea parties, writing contests, reading programs, gardening, and topical discussions.

Click here to view our calendar or here to sign up for the newsletter and view past newsletters. Be sure to check the website and social media sites frequently for updates.

Regularly Scheduled Programs:

Activities for Adults:

  • Monthly Master Gardener series, Book Club and Art Night Out (see Activities Calendar for dates and times)

For children:

  • Weekly Rising Readers Storytime
  • Saturday programs: Toddler Time, Storytime, and STEAM Activities (see Activities Calendar for dates and times)
  • Monthly Lego Club,  evening Storytime, Kids Create, and Cinema Saturday

Welcome to Storytime!

Library storytimes are often a child’s first “live performance” experience. Participating in a storytime is different than watching TV or a movie. At storytimes, the behavior of the audience can positively or negatively affect the program. A good audience allows the presenter to deliver the best presentation possible. Parents and caregivers are role models for their children and set the example for behavior.

With this in mind, we request that parents and caregivers follow these important etiquette guidelines to ensure a valuable and pleasant story time experience for all.

Storytime Etiquette

  1. Please discuss proper behavior with your children before coming to the library program so they will know what is expected of them. Practice reading to them in your lap at home.
  2. Please arrive on time. Late-comers create a distraction and draw attention away from the program. Allow extra time for parking, book browsing, visiting and bathroom breaks beforehand.
  3. Snacks, drinks, and toys may be disruptive. Please put them away when you arrive at story time. Cell phones should be turned off or to vibrate.
  4. At storytime, children should sit with or near their parent/caregiver or on their lap so they will learn to focus and sit still.
  5. Adults model good library behavior for their children by being attentive, good listeners. Adults are encouraged to participate in songs and finger plays as an example for their children.
  6. Immediately after storytime, we will move to other areas for a craft and sometimes a snack.
  7. If your child becomes disruptive or fussy during the program, please remove them from the storytime area until they are comfortable, calm and ready to listen.
  8. If you feel your child is not enjoying the storytime or you must leave, please do so in the least disruptive manner.
  9. If the story time experience proves difficult for your child, a month or two in your child’s development may make a big difference in their readiness for stories. Please practice at home and try again.